Thursday, August 7, 2008

Overgrown Babies

If you thought business meetings are what they are called, business meetings, and nothing but business matter there, think again.
Some top business professionals say the humble biscuit plays an integral role in influencing company directors, entrepreneurs and budget holders at the boardroom meetings.
A research by Holiday Inn Hotels & Resort, revealed that the quality and type of biscuits presented in a meeting can make or break a deal.
In what is considered the first ever 'Business Biscuit Study', Holiday Inn surveyed more than 1,000 business professionals across the UK. 58% of those surveyed said that the biscuits served in a meeting can "positively influence a company's first impressions" and a massive 80% said that biscuits improve the quality and outcome of a meeting.
Those in the legal profession are most likely to be influenced by a good quality biscuit (67%), followed by sales, media or marketing professionals (65%). Some 59% of public sector workers agreed that biscuits can have a 'favourable influence' during a meeting.
Overall, nearly half 47% of those quizzed thought that it was very important to serve biscuits during a meeting. Almost two-thirds (64%) confessed that the quality of biscuits offered was a matter of note or discussion. Surprisingly, biscuits were also deemed the second most important aspect of the boardroom. Behind only tables and chairs and had priority over lighting, technology and artwork.

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