Saturday, August 9, 2008

Good sex daily with your partner improves wellbeing

If one ever needed some proof, a recent study has been published on the beneficial effects of a happy sexual life. Call it a-good-fuck-a-day keeps the doctors away.
But care to limit this to your regular and steady partner only. Having random and changing partners never pays. Sex not only gets you in shape with better skin texture and silken tresses, it also burns extra calories, keeps you fit, combats asthma, relieves headache, reduces depression and tranquilises your mind.

Happyness hormones
It is so that 'sex' produces a number of such hormones that bring happiness. In turn it it leads to a fit body and a healthy mind.
Dr. Sanjay Chugh, specialist on sexual issues, states in a study published today, "Sex contributes to general good health. Any sexual intimacy that is enjoyable and pleasurable promotes well being by providing several physical and psychological benefits.

Even masturbation helps
It is believed that sex boosts chemicals in the body that protects us against diseases. Research also suggests that sex and masturbation can help ease joint and muscle pain, combat depression, promote heart health and lengthen one's life span." Not just this, sex also accelerates blood circulation and one's basic metabolic rate, which further enhances the well-being of our mind and soul and helps us calm down.